Spine Surgeries in Guntur like Disc Prolapse, Spine Fixation are fixed by our Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Guntur
A prolapsed disc occurs when the outer fibres of the intervertebral disc are injured, and the soft material known as the nucleus pulposus, ruptures out of its enclosed space. The prolapsed or ruptured disc material can enter the spinal canal, squashing the spinal cord, but more frequently the spinal nerves. Herniated discs rarely occur in children, and are most common in young and middle-aged adults. A herniation may develop suddenly, or gradually over weeks or months.
Spine Fixation is also known as Vertebral fixation, it is a orthopedic surgical procedure in which two or more vertebrae are anchored to each other through a synthetic "vertebral fixation device", to reduce the vertebral mobility and thereby avoiding possible damage to your spinal cord and the spinal roots.