If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are planning a family, you should plan your pregnancy as much as possible. Controlling your blood sugars before conception and throughout pregnancy gives you the best chance of having a trouble-free pregnancy and birth and a healthy baby. If you have diabetes and your pregnancy is unplanned, there’s still plenty you can do to give your baby the best start in life by consulting our Best gynaecologist in Guntur offers the best Diabetic pregnancy care in Guntur.
Visit your doctor or diabetes educator at least 6 months before you start trying to fall pregnant, if you can. You will be given advice and guidance on controlling your blood sugars as tightly as possible, and taking necessary supplements like folate. You may also be advised to change medications. If you are healthy and your diabetes is well controlled when you become pregnant, you have a good a chance of having a normal pregnancy and birth. Diabetes that is not well controlled during pregnancy can affect your health long-term and can also be risky for your baby. Not everybody can plan their pregnancy. If you have diabetes and think you might be pregnant, see our doctor as soon as possible in our Best Hospital in guntur for delivery. Our doctor Dr. Shabana, Best gynaecologist in Guntur who can handle high risk pregnancy at High risk pregnancy in Guntur will help you in diabetes during pregnancy.
While you may take good care of yourself already, pregnancy is a time when you need to take even more care. It is very important for your health and for your baby’s health that your blood sugar levels are kept stable. The ideal blood sugar level is 4.0 - 5.5 mmol/L when fasting (before meals), and less than 7.0 mmol/L two hours after a meal. When you are pregnant, there is a chance that some of the potential complications of diabetes, like eye disease and kidney disease, may develop. You will need your doctors to keep an eye on this. Our specialist Doctor Dr. Shabana, helps you in Diabetic pregnancy care in Guntur. There is also a risk of developing pre-eclampsia, in which your blood pressure rises, which can cause problems for the baby. Babies born to women with diabetes face risks like being born larger than average, or with a birth defect. They may also be born prematurely or even still born. These risks are greatly reduced if you keep your blood sugars under good control.